Deep Learning

PaperView - Mask Scoring R CNN

PaperView - going over the paper titled "Mask scoring r-cnn" by Zhaojin Huang, Lichao Huang, Yongchao Gong, Chang Huang, Xinggang Wang

PaperView - Meta Pseudo Labels

PaperView - going over the paper titled "Meta Pseudo Labels" by H Pham, Z Dai, Q Xie, QV Le

PaperView - Pay attention to MLPs

PaperView - going over the paper titled "Pay attention to MLPs" by Hanxiao Liu, Zihang Dai, David R. So, Quoc V. Le.

Unsupervised Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage Segmentation With Mixture Models

Intracranial hemorrhage occurs when blood vessels rupture or leak within the brain tissue or elsewhere inside the skull. It can be caused by physical trauma or by various medical conditions and in many cases leads to death. The treatment must be started as soon as possible, and therefore the hemorrhage should be diagnosed accurately and quickly. The diagnosis is usually performed by a radiologist who analyses a Computed Tomography (CT) scan containing a large number of cross-sectional images throughout the brain. Analysing each image manually can be very time-consuming, but automated techniques can help speed up the process. While much of the recent research has focused on solving this problem by using supervised machine learning algorithms, publicly-available training data remains scarce due to privacy concerns. This problem can be alleviated by unsupervised algorithms. In this paper, we propose a fully-unsupervised algorithm which is based on the mixture models. Our algorithm utilizes the fact that the properties of hemorrhage and healthy tissues follow different distributions, and therefore an appropriate formulation of these distributions allows us to separate them through an Expectation-Maximization process. In addition, our algorithm is able to adaptively determine the number of clusters such that all the hemorrhage regions can be found without including noisy voxels. We demonstrate the results of our algorithm on publicly-available datasets that contain all different hemorrhage types in various sizes and intensities, and our results are compared to earlier unsupervised and supervised algorithms. The results show that our algorithm can outperform the other algorithms with most hemorrhage types.

PaperView - Panoptic segmentation with a joint semantic and instance segmentation network

PaperView - going over the paper titled "Panoptic segmentation with a joint semantic and instance segmentation network" by De Geus, Daan, Panagiotis Meletis, and Gijs Dubbelman.

PaperView - Complementary Relation Contrastive Distillation

PaperView - going over the paper Zhu, Jinguo, et al. "Complementary relation contrastive distillation." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021.

PaperView: Generalized Wasserstein Dice Score for Imbalanced Segmentation

PaperView - going over the paper titled "Generalised wasserstein dice score for imbalanced multi-class segmentation using holistic convolutional networks" by Fidon, Lucas, et al.

Contrastive Mixup: Self-and Semi-Supervised learning for Tabular Domain

Recent literature in self-supervised has demonstrated significant progress in closing the gap between supervised and unsupervised methods in the image and text domains. These methods rely on domain-specific augmentations that are not directly amenable to the tabular domain. Instead, we introduce Contrastive Mixup, a semi-supervised learning framework for tabular data and demonstrate its effectiveness in limited annotated data settings. Our proposed method leverages Mixup-based augmentation under the manifold assumption by mapping samples to a low dimensional latent space and encourage interpolated samples to have high a similarity within the same labeled class. Unlabeled samples are additionally employed via a transductive label propagation method to further enrich the set of similar and dissimilar pairs that can be used in the contrastive loss term. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework on public tabular datasets and real-world clinical datasets.

PaperView: TabNN: A Universal Neural Network Solution for Tabular Data

PaperView - going over the paper titled "TabNN - A Universal Neural Network Solution for Tabular Data" by G Ke, J Zhang, Z Xu, J Bian, TY Liu

PaperView: Transferable Adversarial Training - A General Approach to Adapting Deep Classifiers

PaperView - going over the paper titled "Transferable Adversarial Training - A General Approach to Adapting Deep Classifiers" by Hong Liu, Mingsheng Long,Jianmin Wang, and Michael I. Jordan